Every student, every day.

Staff Directory


Photo of Elaine Garner

Elaine Garner


Photo of Kara Kulak

Kara Kulak

Assistant Principal / Learning Support

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Cherie Snider

Cherie Snider

Family School Liaison Counsellor

Photo of Karen Manzer

Karen Manzer


Teachers - Kindergarten

Photo of Abigail Pohl

Abigail Pohl

Kindergarten - K1 & K2

Teachers - Elementary

Photo of Brandie Fast

Brandie Fast

Grade 1A

Photo of Tammy Gregory

Tammy Gregory

Grade 3B

Photo of Roy Lach

Roy Lach

Gym & Art

Photo of Carol Lach

Carol Lach

Grade 1B

Photo of Kayla Marra

Kayla Marra

Grade 2B

Photo of Glenys Nelson

Glenys Nelson

Grade 3A

Photo of AnneMarie Neudorf

AnneMarie Neudorf


Photo of Lenore Tarcon

Lenore Tarcon

Grade 2A

Early Learning Program

Photo of Meagan McKenna

Meagan McKenna


Support Staff

Photo of Kaori Aindow

Kaori Aindow

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jolie Anctil

Jolie Anctil

Educational Assistant

Photo of Bernice Dunbar

Bernice Dunbar

Educational Assistant

Photo of Domonique Gould

Domonique Gould

Educational Assistant

Photo of Barb Lindsell

Barb Lindsell

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kana Miklos

Kana Miklos

Educational Assistant

Photo of Michele Pitt

Michele Pitt

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Jan Rolston

Jan Rolston

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Cesalee Williams

Cesalee Williams

Learning Commons Coordinator

Custodial Staff

Photo of Shirley Graham

Shirley Graham

Head Custodian

Photo of Charlotte Kang

Charlotte Kang

Temporary Head Custodian

Photo of Samantha Pickering

Samantha Pickering
